Stone Walls in New Ipswich

Stone Walls in New Ipswich

Stone walls are everywhere in New Ipswich. They were built throughout New England primarily to clear the land for farming and for creating property delineations. They are quintessential New England as much as the fiery red maples in the fall. These stone walls are very much a part of our heritage.

There have been instances of people taking stones from these walls. There is something very compelling about old, weathered stones and some believe they are there for the taking. They are not! When stone walls are on your property decisions with respect to their future belong solely to you, or to you and your neighbor if the wall acts as a property divider. If you see anyone removing stones from old stone walls, what they are doing is actually against the law.

We need help to document the stone walls of New Ipswich, especially those on public land and those abutting highways. Contact the Heritage Commission if you would like to volunteer help with this survey.