We want to hear what you think about the Broadband services in town!

The New Ipswich Broadband Committee is soliciting feedback from New Ipswich town residents and business owners on how broadband services are meeting their current needs.  To gather your feedback, we’ve developed a short survey which captures key information to develop this assessment. You can access the survey via the following link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/newipswichbroadband

Note: you should do this survey on your home computer or tablet and not your cell phone if at all possible.  The reason for that is that during the survey you can do a speed test, and if done on your phone will test the cell phone data speed and not your home broadband speed.

The survey will remain active until September 30, 2021. After this date, we’ll post our findings on Facebook, the Town of New Ipswich web site and in the New Ipswich Town Hall.