New Ipswich TV Seeks HELP


There has been a renewed interest in developing additional content for Comcast cable channel 22, which has been allocated as the Public, Educational and Government (PEG) Channel for New Ipswich. The PEG channel has been made available to the Town of New Ipswich for the purpose of transmitting non-commercial community public, educational and governmental Access Programming to Comcast subscribers. 

To this end, the Selectmen have tasked the Committee to:

Expand programming content to include public, educational and government (PEG) access in accordance with the Comcast Franchise Agreement and the Cable Act, 47 USC.

The committee is looking for members!  Specifically, local volunteers from the public, educational (MRSD) and government (Town) sectors and an individual with video broadcasting technical expertise.

We are also seeking volunteers that would like to trained on the equipment and provide content from public events (such as recreation committee activities and other public events), educational activities (such as sporting events, public meetings) and government functions (such as additional public meetings).

If you are interested, please e-mail: